Reelbus 4
ReelBus is a plug-in that simulates magnetic tape recording, fro...
Reverb 4
Reverb 4 provides soft, warm, and shimmering reverberation for c...
Sibalance 4
Sibalance is a spectral de-esser and harshness remover that dete...
Spectrogram is an analysis tool that shows a visual representati...
Spread is an intuitive Multiband Stereo Controller that gives co...
Spread Light
Spread Light is a powerful plugin for shaping audio tracks' ster...
The Grater
The Grater is a powerful audio plug-in that lets you compress an...
The Grater Light
The Grater Light is an audio plugin with compression and shaping...
VoicePitcher 4
VoicePitcher 4 is a dual-voice pitch shifter with unique effects...