la la laudio
Image for Morphit


Morphit is a headphones correction tool that allows users to cus...

Image for Podolski


Podolski is a free virtual analog synthesizer. It has an arpeggi...

Image for Presswerk


Presswerk is a dynamic processor that blends digital and vintage...

Image for Protoverb


Protoverb is a plug-in that generates a realistic-sounding rever...

Image for Reelbus 4

Reelbus 4

ReelBus is a plug-in that simulates magnetic tape recording, fro...

Image for Repro-1


Repro-1 is a powerful monosynth with five stomp-box effects, arp...

Image for Reverb 4

Reverb 4

Reverb 4 provides soft, warm, and shimmering reverberation for c...

Image for Satin


Satin integrates tape recording technology with digital advancem...

Image for Sibalance 4

Sibalance 4

Sibalance is a spectral de-esser and harshness remover that dete...

Image for Spectrogram


Spectrogram is an analysis tool that shows a visual representati...