Pure:comp is an AI-powered compression plug-in that enhances tra...
Satson CS
Satson CS is a versatile mixing plugin that offers channel strip...
Smart:comp 2
Smart:comp 2 is an AI-powered compressor that offers clean and p...
Smasher is a custom Urei 1176 compressor modification that enhan...
Smooth Operator
Smooth Operator is a plugin that automatically removes harsh res...
Sub Generator
Sub Generator is a versatile sub bass synthesizer that enhances...
Super VHS
Super VHS is a tool that uses six colorful effects to create an...
TDR Kotelnikov
TDR Kotelnikov is a wideband dynamics processor with high-fideli...
TDR Kotelnikov GE
TDR Kotelnikov is a versatile wideband dynamics processor with h...